An ongoing aggregation of digital posters for resources, mutual aid, awareness campaigns, call for actions, and rallies for the global protest against militarized police brutality and institutionalized racism. Black Lives Matter.
Graphic @claygibson, 2017
“George Floyd took his last breaths with a white knee on his neck. If that doesn’t say it all. May these officers be held accountable for this senseless murder and may George’s family find some semblance of justice.” Graphic @arielsinhaha
“You can be good at organizing, you can make art, you can make snacks for protests, you can cyber bully your racist mayor/ government, anything to help put pressure where it needs to be.” Graphic @broobs.psd
@freedomartsmovement “Feel free to share and struggle.”
“She was only 19.” Graphic @angelicaisaibecerra
“a gentle reminder to check-in on your friends, and to check-in on you. how is your heart, your body, your mind, your spirit. because amidst the revolutionary and liberatory work you're doing - - for yourself, your own communities, and/or in solidarity - - you are deserving of rest, and care, and self-nourishment.” Graphic @yallaroza
@__raj__deep “In a letter to W. E. B. Du Bois, Ambedkar wrote, "There is so much similarity between the position of the Untouchables in India and the position of the Negroes in America that the study of the latter is not only natural but necessary". Today, the spirit of Ambedkar and Ambedkarism must stand in solidarity with the spirit of George Floyd.”
@stefyloret Respect existence or expect resistance… Typefaces: digestive by @ohnotypeco @studiotriple_ and neue machina by @pangram.pangram .
@Brooklynrail: Artists Rirkrit Tiravanija and Tomas Vu (@tomasstudio), longtime friends whose collaborations include this series of text works from Green Go Home (2015), join host Yasi Alipour (@yasialipour) tomorrow for New Social Environment #55.
abusalam___“What does it mean when those who fought for freedom have to beg to receive it? That’s the reality in the US.”
@lucilleinthesky: “Guilt is not productive. Instead, hold yourself accountable. White people started this with our chains. White people need to finish this with our votes and our voices. We are the numerical majority. We hold the majority of economic, political, and social power; and we have built this wealth on the backs of others. It’s our duty to dismantle the system that benefits white people and disadvantages BIPOC.”
P. Abareshi @pantehart
@freedomartsmovement: “‘Everything now, we must assume, is in our hands; we have no right to assume otherwise. If we do not falter in our duty now, we may be able, handful that we are, to end the racial nightmare, and achieve our country, and change the history of the world’-James Baldwin.” Graphic: FAM member Nicolás.
“Kill the fascist inside your head.” Graphic @__raj__deep
@chroma.ny: “Chroma presents “Source of Nurture," a music fundraising initiative celebrating the music of WOC and standing in solidarity with Black Lives Matter, Undocumented and Immigrant communities, and Essential Workers.” Artwork by Aya Brown @ayabrown.tiff from her ESSENTIAL WORKERS series.
“As so many of us are receiving an outpour of radical texts and literature, let’s make sure we’re preserving and cataloging these resources and not letting them get drowned out.” Graphic Vanessa Newman @fiveboi, Venmo: vansnewman.
@stolengfsclub: “Although I am overcome with sadness, anger, and anxiety in this time I am inspired and committed to finding resources for myself and my community. Out of this need, I have created the Black Creatives Community Fund.” Graphic @sofahood (one of the many artists that will be supported by this fund).
@ICMYFG (the project and research space of tyler mitchell): Vol. 2️⃣ this Friday on icmyfg.com. Graphic @d.pika
_reframingthefuture_ “A Photographic Print Sale will run through the end of June. Prints available at rtfprintsale.com. 100% of proceeds will be donated to @mpjinstitute & @nationalbailout to divest from systems of mass incarceration and the prison bail system, and re-invest in community building & organizing in the Black trans community.” Graphic Lauren Bailey @chaoticnogood
@marco_oggian: “This was and always will be my intention: to be able to share a clear and positive message to all of you. For this reason I don't want and will never want to be paid for this poster.”
@decrimny: “Stonewall was a police riot. Tomorrow night, we are taking to the streets to lift up Black trans people killed by police violence and interpersonal violence.” Graphic sarah wasko @waskosarah
@patiasfantasyworld 🚨 RACISM IS A NATIONAL HEALTH EMERGENCY 🚨 brand new section on Black Maternal Health located @ PFW.GUIDE > RESOURCES FOR KIDS, EDUCATORS, & PARENTS. Thank you @gala.wav & @dannycoleee for the graphics ♥️
Ju.ju.beads: Simplified steps of tangible action from @broccoli__boy.
@press_press_bmore collab with @printedmatterinc “What does our future look like? What does joy look and feel like? How can we hold ourselves and one another through grief and loss? How do we build sanctuary? How do we honor and care for the collective? What does liberation look like?”
@deedsnotwords: “let’s celebrate and uplift Black joy while we commit to continue the fight for Black lives until all Black people achieve FULL liberation and freedom” Graphic @ediththetacoqueen
“This website was created by Angelina Ruiz (@nglnrz), an artist, writer, and activist.'“
Rick Dove @muchmorebyrick
Graphic @zewmageddon
“Here’s your daily reminder that BREONNA TAYLOR’S MURDERERS still haven’t been arrested.” Graphic @subliming.jpg
“a reminder.” Graphic @eplasosu
Graphic @czillustration
@bipoc.design // graphic @osheyi.a
Graphic @iiycfamily; original words: @noname
@creativeactivists: “Being a creative activist involves keeping the momentum going through our unique talents and passions. No act is too small, no voice is too big. A single effort creates a ripple effect of awareness and action. 📸 Photo by: @maxwbender
@kimsaira “PSA: Black Lives Matter is not a phase, it is a forever movement!!”
“Black creative ecosystems are sources of power. We’re creating new worlds with our work. Show up in meaningful ways beyond temporary frantic energy.” @annika.izora
Call and response, HIT ME 🗣
Myles Thompson Design @myles.tho
Graphic @4false4horse4girl4
“ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! My protection of my black body, is a sign of resistance AND NOTHING MORE.” Graphic @terrell.villiers
Graphic @chelsmells
“it’s been 100+ days since the murder of Breonna Taylor by the hands of Myles Cosgrove, Jonathan Mattingly, and Brett Hankinson. they are still walking free.” Graphic @futurafreedesign
“Elijah played violin for cats at an animal shelter next door on his lunch breaks. He believed the music put the cats at ease” Graphic @allifacio
@browngirlbutterflyproject // Graphic @spicy.obj
@the.daily.don “6 years ago today Eric Garner was murdered by a cop for selling loose cigarettes. An illegal chokehold then, a knee on a neck now. Same as it ever was.”
@ayabrown.tiff “I wish I made this portrait under better circumstances, but I am honored to use my hands to help bring awareness to your story.”
@msfashionteacher “THIS IS NOT A STATEMENT OF DISRESPECT RATHER FACT. This is a career choice.”